[SimSheng Cable] Spring Breeze ส่งความอบอุ่น 8 มีนาคม Women's Day Evening Party



At 16:00 on March 8th 2022, Foshan Yuejiaxin Wire & Cable co., Ltd. held a barbecue Party to celebrate Women's Day, in order to reward the hard work and dedicated female comrades.

A Tea Forum was held at the beginning, waiting for the ladies to arrive one after another. Various kinds of food and drinks were on the table, and some gentlemen distributed gifts and flowers to the ladies. After hard work all day, finally had a little comfort at this moment. During the dinner, Ms. Liang Liubing, director and general manager of Simsheng Cable, made a speech, telling about her family, work and experience in her half life to female colleagues.

[SimSheng Cable] Spring Breeze Sends Warmth

After that, Bonanza Cash Rolling Game brought the atmosphere of the festival to a higher level. If you roll a can onto the table to the designated position of different banknotes, you can get the corresponding amount of reward. The ladies applauded, and of course, they all got return fully.

At night, the barbecue party began, the gentlemen prepared the foods in advance, when ladies arrived to the garden, fresh baked barbecue were ready, rich foods eliminate the fatigue from hard work, the spring breeze were blowing on ladies red cheeks, what a beautiful moment.

 Mar. 8th Women's Day Evening Party

[SimSheng Cable] Spring Breeze Sends Warmth

In Simsheng Cable harmonious big family, staffs have struggles for more than 20 years, the international working women's day celebration party remind everyone again, Simsheng Cable as a modern enterprise, honesty on gender parity equally. We also wish women from all walks a happy holiday, a smooth work and a happy family.

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